.: guestbook :.
Welcome to the Metalpics.ch guestbook!
Feel free to leave some traces and let us know what you think about the site and the pics.
By: Mäthu
Date: 2004-04-16
Time: 02:07
Sälü Zeli!
We mini Bewärbigsföteli nume haub so guet chäme, brüchti mir ke Sorge um nä Job ds mache, trotz länge Haar!:)
Si si genial, wott nid wiederhole, was aui andere hie eh scho gseit hei!
Witer so! I drücke beidi Düme!
Pfuus guet!
By: Dennis
Date: 2004-04-16
Time: 01:42
Amazing work
Hi Shelley.
Thanx for taking those awesome looking photos of us during the No Mercy tour. You really have a strongly artistic eye. It would be nice if you wanted to take some more photos of us on the spring/summer shows we've got lined up. That´s if you're going to the shows anyway!?!
Hope to see ya again soon
Dennis - Spawn of Possession
By: Irena
Date: 2004-04-15
Time: 20:23
hej lutko sječaš se ti mene. bili su mi danas Goc i Mirela i dali mi ovu adresu na koju ti se mogu javiti. Nadam se da češ dobiti poruku i javiti se. Piši šta ima novo u tvom životu. Ja sam se udala, rodila...Ajde da odmah pohvalim tvoj trud i ovu stranicu. Samo tako dalje i javi se bilo bi mi jako drago.
By: onur
Date: 2004-04-11
Time: 17:50
u do a good work..
i'm from istanbul(turkey)i was in prateln 2003.thanks for rotting christ photos..
keep the dark cult alive...
By: Rose
Date: 2004-04-10
Time: 16:02
Hello Shelley Dear !
This new site design fits way better to your excellent job. Keep\'on rockin\' and hope to see you again this next summer !
By: Francesco
Date: 2004-04-08
Time: 15:58
Greetings by Francesco
Hello!!! I'm waiting to see your last job!
You're great!!
Kisses from Italy, Francesco.
P.S.: Answer my mail!!
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6001787 since Sept 11th, 2002